dijous, 20 de desembre del 2012

10. The importance of Home-School Connection

It is known that when the school and the family work together, the pupils get better education. The work of education is not only the responsibility of teacher or of parents. All the society and all the communities that are involve with the students have to be aware that is a big a common responsibility. Also, lots of research show that schools where parents are involve on the activities and on the learning process of the students, the students get better scores. Furthermore, we know that parents have critical role in developing their children’s learning habits

There is a discussion between teacher and parents around the next issue. Are richer parents most involve in their children learning process than poor parents?

I think that this is no true. Every family is different and we can’t generalise what we think. In most cases, parents that are poor status don’t care about the learning process of their children because they aren’t aware about the importance of education. Although, there are some parents that are poor, that they want that their children will be better than them so, they do all the things to involve with the education of their children and encourage, motivate and help them with their school routines.

On the other hand we have the contrary, rich parents that don’t have enough time to educate their children and think that the responsibility to educate is all for the school.

So parents are an essential link in improving academic success.
To achieve the home-school connection we can do different things to keep parents informed with:

Letters Home
Homework with children and parents
Interactive learning tools
Muffins for Moms
Parent-Child websites.

As teachers, we have to try to encourage parents, showing parent how to participate in the learning process of their children. Also, invite parents to become active, responsive, responsible participants in their child’s education.

1 comentari:

  1. Interesting reflection. Our in class discussion was certainly memorable with many different perspectives. I´m glad you recorded your here. :-)
